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Artist Laura Wilder Reproductions

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After getting her degree in art and spending several unsatisfying years as a graphic designer and commercial illustrator, Laura discovered the designs and philosophy of the Arts and Crafts movement. Inspired, she learned printmaking and submitted her vintage-style block prints and paintings to the Roycroft Renaissance Jury. Approved, she became a Roycroft Renaissance Artisan and was soon elevated to Master Artisan status. Being certified to put the “RR” mark on one's work indicates very high quality in design and hand-craftsmanship. Thematically her art explores aspects of a simpler, more satisfying life, especially the serenity found in sunlit trees (the landscapes) and considering the things that matter most (the illustrated quotes).
Laura has won many awards and prestigious commissions for her work, which can be seen at shows, in galleries, and in stores nationwide.